Cyber Security Awareness for Business Sustainability

According to the National Cyber Security Centre (, Cyber Security is the methodology by which individuals and organisations reduce the malicious risk of cyber-attack.  Cyber security’s core functionality is to protect the devices we use (smartphones, laptops, tablets, and computers) and the services we access, both online and at work, from theft or damage.

I recently attended a Cyber Security Resilient Webinar online, and I learned a surprising amount from the topics discussed.  It was really a good learning curve for me. Most of the things I learned were useful in a pragmatic sense and I would encourage businesses to always support their employees in attending these types of webinars, as they can provide some very tangible benefits to the company.

Cyber Awareness, to my understanding, essentially focuses on remaining alert or mindful of cyber security in everyday online and offline situations. This, topically, can include being aware of the dangers of browsing the internet, checking emails, or being interactive on social media platforms. As an employee for a tech company, it is my responsibility to always upgrade my knowledge on the latest threat trends and how to protect myself and the business I represent.

The Cyber Security Resilient Webinar exposed me to the full spectrum of modern Cyber Security threats that are confronted by businesses, government departments, schools, and charities, on a regular basis.

These are some of the lists of Cybersecurity threats that were discussed in the webinar:

·        Malware attack

·        Social engineering attacks

·        Software supply chain attacks

·        Advanced supply threats (APT)

·        Distributed denial of service (DDoS)

·     Man–in–middle attack (MitM)

·        Password attack.

(This list is by no means exhaustive but is a good starting point for understanding cyber security).

I did some research online about Cyber Security threats and I came across a fascinating chart about the current threat situation.


This indicates that if a business were to not take cyber threats seriously, then they could lose out financially on a significant level. The interesting thing about the webinar was the fact that we were taught preventive measures against some cyber security threats. Some of the preventive measures are training of staff. Butterfly Data, as a responsible company, is on top of this already. Management believe that it is important to have a strong online resilience against any form of cyber threats or attacks.  Keep your software and systems updated, ensure endpoint protection, install a firewall, backup your data, and control access to your systems.

As a business, Butterfly Data understand the importance of increasing domain knowledge and of sending their employees on cyber security training courses, and the benefit it brings to both the business and the individual.


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