Happy Pride Month!

At Butterfly Data we pride ourselves on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, and understand that everyone’s identities are formed by more than just what we see at work. There are so many aspects to an individual that make up their identity, this could be beliefs, culture, or sexuality. During Pride Month we seek to celebrate and raise awareness of the LGBTQ+ community, and reinforce our commitment to the equality, diversity and inclusion that makes our business truly thrive. 

Pride month was inspired by the Stonewall riots, and liberation protests, in New York during 1969. The movement in the United Kingdom has developed into a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community, though this was not always the case especially during the years where Section 28 was in force. This law stated that local authorities “shall not intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality”. The law was in place from 1988 until it was repealed in Scotland on the 21st June 2000, and on 18th November 2003 in England and Wales. 

Now the parades celebrate the uniqueness and diversity of individuals allowing them to express their true selves, whilst also allowing a time for reflection. The history of the protests still live strong in each parade, highlighting the injustices of LGBTQ+ people across the world, and seeking to shine a spotlight on those who do not have a voice and suffer persecution. 

Part of the reason we will celebrate this pride month, is because we believe that allowing people to be their authentic selves at work means that they can offer their best and reach their full potential. This is not just great for our employees, but it also helps our clients. Different experiences, points of views, and backgrounds can strengthen teams, and by giving visibility to all those within our business, regardless of their sexuality, gender, beliefs, or life experiences means we foster a place for differences to thrive, and strengthen the relationships we have at work.

“Being openly out at work has always been important to me since my experiences of my early career feeling like the only LGBTQ+ member on a project and the negative experiences that could lead to. I realised that being out meant more than just telling my friends and family, but also that visibility mattered. Butterfly is one of the most inclusive places I’ve worked, I’ve never once felt I couldn’t talk about my husband or felt any different to other employees. I genuinely believe our differences make us stronger, and understanding different points of view help build stronger teams. And why it’s been great to share photos with my colleagues with me and my husband at Pride, and know that I’m seen and supported.” - Will Hauwert, Senior Manager at Butterfly Data.

However you celebrate, we hope that you have had a wonderful pride month.


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