World Well-Being Week

Live Well in Scrabble Tiles

This was the 4th year running for the World Well-being Week (WWW), which is held annually in the last week of June. The need for WWW came to light throughout the pandemic when the world came together as one, shining a light on the continuous effort and support that all of our healthcare professionals and careers continued to provide under immense pressure. 

Wellbeing and maintaining a positive morale has never been more important to us all, raising awareness annually gives businesses, charities, and social enterprises the opportunity to embrace any wellbeing stances within their company goals, and strategically prioritising within this area too. Being able to take part and celebrate with their own activities and events, which in turn show appreciation to the hard work and commitment our employees continue to show. As mentioned in an earlier blog this year, Butterfly has committed to the Mental Health at Work Commitment. Which is a free service for all businesses to make the most of, if you wish to join then you can find the commitment here. This has helped us to prioritise and take action on improving well-being where we can as a company. 

Butterfly’s upcoming events & activities 

We have an upcoming company away day in August - employees and family members are getting together to enjoy some quality social time, with great activities such as a basketball tournament, an annual quiz, outdoor ice breakers, alongside arts and crafts and Butterfly cookie decorating for the children (and adults too of course)! 

Regarding our ongoing commitment within the workplace, we have appointed 2 members of staff who will be our Wellness officers (one male & one female). They are going to enrol and complete a Mental Health First Aider course. 

In a more everyday sense, our team is dotted all over the UK and we encourage ‘Team Northern Butterflies’ & ‘Team Cardiff Butterflies’ to have regular social gatherings which can be expensed by the company.

We are proud of the steps we have taken as a company to improve employee well-being and we are committed to continuing to improve wherever we can.


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