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SAS Made Simple: ANYCNTRL & NOTCNTRL Regex Alternatives for SAS
A control character is a character that does not represent a traditional printable character but is intended to act as a particular action...
Using SAS SQL to Create Data-Driven Macro Variables
If you are looking for a way to assign data values to macro variables in SAS, a PROC SQL step is one of the easiest and most readable ways to do it. In this article, you will learn how to assign data values to macro variables in a PROC SQL step, making your code more dynamic and self-sufficient…
Limited Instruction Set
One of the first ever programming environments I used was a scripting language inbuilt into my Texas Instruments TI-83 calculator, which I needed for my Maths A-level…
The Low Down on Low Code Solutions
Building an application from scratch has often been seen as a daunting task, a web of intricate code, functions, and dependencies traditionally best left to the programmers. These programmers are required to have an in-depth knowledge of their language of choice, as well as the peculiarities of development environments, deployment processes, and then their approach to testing…
Nested JSON via SAS
When you need to export data from your SAS system JSON proves to be an ideal format, given the superb inbuilt tools in SAS…
Dynamically Creating Code with SAS
The ability to dynamically create code allows you to make incredibly flexible systems for processing data. For example, on a project Butterfly Data has worked on, we built a data quality system which checked the quality of 190+ data types, each of which had different formats.
An Introduction to Fuzzy Matching
Fuzzy Matching, also known as Approximate String Matching, is a technique to identify whether two strings are similar but not the same. Some everyday uses of fuzzy matching include: spell check, auto-correct, spam filtering, record linkage, and address matching.
Climber to Coder
“Computers? Data analytics? Is that what you are really doing now?! You’ve changed!”
This is what I hear my old climbing partners say and they then continue with, “...but your passion is being outside climbing, experiences, adventures, I don’t understand?”