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Unlocking the Power of Data Analytics in Healthcare Finance - Part 2
Innovative models are now allowing health care organisations to drive cost reductions and create personalised treatment plans in ways which wouldn’t have been possible, even a few years ago…
Unlocking the Power of Data Analytics in Healthcare Finance - Part 1
At Butterfly Data, we truly believe that harnessing the power of data analytics has become essential for success in the healthcare industry…
Using SAS SQL to Create Data-Driven Macro Variables
If you are looking for a way to assign data values to macro variables in SAS, a PROC SQL step is one of the easiest and most readable ways to do it. In this article, you will learn how to assign data values to macro variables in a PROC SQL step, making your code more dynamic and self-sufficient…
Discovering All Available Data in a SAS Viya CASLIB
SAS Viya is a cloud-native platform which is able to host many of SAS’s other services such as SAS Visual Analytics or SAS Studio. One of the strengths of SAS Viya is the Cloud Analytics Services (CAS) in-memory engine…
Butterfly Data Helps Insurers Drive Double-Digit Improvement in Customer Retention
In the first eight months of 2021, publicly announced mergers and acquisitions (M&A) were valued at more than $3.6 trillion globally and $1.8 trillion in the US according to Dealogic. Both numbers are the highest since 1995, when the data provider began its tracking.