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Unlocking the Power of Data Analytics in Healthcare Finance - Part 2
Innovative models are now allowing health care organisations to drive cost reductions and create personalised treatment plans in ways which wouldn’t have been possible, even a few years ago…
Unlocking the Power of Data Analytics in Healthcare Finance - Part 1
At Butterfly Data, we truly believe that harnessing the power of data analytics has become essential for success in the healthcare industry…
Overcoming Data Silos in Healthcare: The Path to Integrated Insights
Every healthcare organisation has access to vast amounts of data. These might range from patient records and health outcomes to data collections and health information…
Revolutionising Healthcare: Empowering the CDO with Data-Driven Solutions
The NHS handles vast amounts of data on a daily basis - everything from patient records to imaging scans to genomic sequences. As the volume and variety of health data continues to grow, NHS and other healthcare organisations are appointing Chief Data Officers (CDOs)…
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Two areas of machine learning (ML) have undergone rapid advances over the last few years: Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Image Recognition…