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Using automation for daily business tasks
Automation in IT systems is, of course, nothing new. In recent years, however, more and more online services have been adding automation components…
An Introduction to Fuzzy Matching
Fuzzy Matching, also known as Approximate String Matching, is a technique to identify whether two strings are similar but not the same. Some everyday uses of fuzzy matching include: spell check, auto-correct, spam filtering, record linkage, and address matching.
Transliteration of Emojis
The wide variety of spoken languages on Earth (widely estimated to be in the order of 7000) are a significant addition to the diversity, culture and rich complexity of society […] to record in binary the letters and symbols that make up those alphabets, many different encoding standards have been created.
Using Machine Learning to Detect Fake News
For my final year University project, I was tasked with using Artificial Intelligence to solve a real-world problem. The misinformation I was seeing every day sprawled over social media about such things as the American election and, more recently, the Covid-19 pandemic, sprang to mind…