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It was announced in May 2022, 21 years after it was first introduced to the world, that the Apple iPod was being discontinued…
Data Analysis and Literature - Network Visualisation
Data and literature are two subjects which often are not considered to naturally accompany each other. But, as someone who has stakes in both camps, I would make the argument that the two complement each other in a way that truly brings out the best in both…
Design Sprint: An Introduction
Earlier in the year, as part of the bid process for a project, some of my colleagues and I were introduced to the concept of the Design Sprint methodology…
SAS Step Star James Lancashire
Here at Butterfly, we love to celebrate our team and particularly today we want to recognise the achievements and unique entrance to our team of James Lancashire
Fraud and Economic Crime
The scale of fraud is now a national security issue, according to a report published recently by the Royal United Services Institute.
Coding from Scratch
Scratch is a widely known and loved introductory programming language. Designed with children mind it serves as one of the best methods for getting a beginning into coding. Jacob here shares his experience of that journey.