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Think Piece, Technology in Culture Robert Smith Think Piece, Technology in Culture Robert Smith


Last month while exploring Madrid I visited El Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de España (MUNCYT) [National Museum of Science and Technology]. An exhibition on product development over the last 150 years caught my attention for a couple of reasons. The description read:

All objects we are using, at this very moment, are doomed to obsolescence…

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Coding, Applications, Python Chris Green Coding, Applications, Python Chris Green

The Low Down on Low Code Solutions

Building an application from scratch has often been seen as a daunting task, a web of intricate code, functions, and dependencies traditionally best left to the programmers. These programmers are required to have an in-depth knowledge of their language of choice, as well as the peculiarities of development environments, deployment processes, and then their approach to testing…

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