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Shine’s Spotlight: How to Make the World Add Up by Tim Harford
Tim Harford published this book “How to Make the World Add Up” in 2020, exploring different ways that people should think about numbers and statistics, with a particular emphasis on how you should trust numbers you see in the media…
Shine's Spotlight: ‘Spoon-Fed:Why Almost Everything We've Been Told About Food is Wrong’ by Tim Spector
Tim Spector is both a professor of genetics at King’s College London and an author of popular science books, such as this one we’re reviewing and “The Diet Myth” amongst others…
Shine's Spotlight: ‘Hitting Against The Spin’ by Nathan Leamon & Ben Jones
Cricket is one of many sports that has undergone a “data revolution” over the last 10 years. This follows in the footsteps of the famous “Moneyball” philosophy which revolutionised baseball in the early 2000s…
Shine's Spotlight: ‘The Signal and the Noise’ by Nate Silver
One of our directors, Sara, recommended I read this book a long while ago, so I gave it a read for my next blog post. Nate Silver has a background in statistics and making predictions…
Shine’s Spotlight: ‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport
As someone who loves reading, I have decided to begin a blog series exploring some of the ideas from any books I have read related to data or our work at Butterfly Data.
The first book I am going to cover is called ‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport, a guide to working effectively in an age of constant distractions…