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Presentations, How Do We Excel? - Part 1
In all likelihood you have come across this page in one of two ways. You are either an avid reader of the Butterfly Blog (and who isn’t?) or you reached this page, amongst hundreds of others on the Google search results for the above title, and decided this was the guidance for you…
Scafell Pike Challenge Weekend
Over a weekend in late May, Butterfly Data set out to climb the highest mountain in England, Scafell Pike. Following last year’s ascent of Yr Wyddfa/Snowdon…
Mental Health First Aiders - What are They?
We wanted to share some insight as to what Mental Health First Aiders (MHFA) are all about, what benefits come from having MHFAs within your workplace, and to inform our readers that Butterfly Data now has staff that are qualified MHFAs…
Shine's Spotlight: ‘Spoon-Fed:Why Almost Everything We've Been Told About Food is Wrong’ by Tim Spector
Tim Spector is both a professor of genetics at King’s College London and an author of popular science books, such as this one we’re reviewing and “The Diet Myth” amongst others…
International Women’s Day 2023
In an ideal world we wouldn’t need a special day to celebrate women, but we have not yet achieved absolute equality with our male counterparts, who don’t have to raise their voice in the same way or fight with the same societal stereotypes to achieve what they want…
Introducing a Key Functionality Change
Whilst recently driving home from our Butterfly Christmas party I discovered at entirely the least opportune time that Google had seen fit to make a pretty impactful functionality change…
Discovering All Available Data in a SAS Viya CASLIB
SAS Viya is a cloud-native platform which is able to host many of SAS’s other services such as SAS Visual Analytics or SAS Studio. One of the strengths of SAS Viya is the Cloud Analytics Services (CAS) in-memory engine…
Merry Christmas from Butterfly Data!
Happy Holidays and Nadolig Llawen to you all, from the whole team at Butterfly Data!
Google, ‘Free Services’, and The Cost of Free
I cannot actually remember the first time I ever ‘Googled’ something. For many years my search engine of choice was Dogpile (which likely really dates me!)…
IBM Cognos Analytics: An Introduction
I recently did a short course on IBM Cognos Analytics and I learned a healthy amount on the solution itself, but what was most exciting was seeing how data visualisation tools can be used to tell data management stories…