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Butterfly Data Helps Insurers Drive Double-Digit Improvement in Customer Retention
In the first eight months of 2021, publicly announced mergers and acquisitions (M&A) were valued at more than $3.6 trillion globally and $1.8 trillion in the US according to Dealogic. Both numbers are the highest since 1995, when the data provider began its tracking.
The Affliction of the Data Analyst
Now, the question I want you to consider as you read this article is why do we do that if science and research basically says that 'sitting is the new smoking' and has been linked to obesity, heart disease, and cancer?
An Introduction to Fuzzy Matching
Fuzzy Matching, also known as Approximate String Matching, is a technique to identify whether two strings are similar but not the same. Some everyday uses of fuzzy matching include: spell check, auto-correct, spam filtering, record linkage, and address matching.
Climber to Coder
“Computers? Data analytics? Is that what you are really doing now?! You’ve changed!”
This is what I hear my old climbing partners say and they then continue with, “...but your passion is being outside climbing, experiences, adventures, I don’t understand?”
Transliteration of Emojis
The wide variety of spoken languages on Earth (widely estimated to be in the order of 7000) are a significant addition to the diversity, culture and rich complexity of society […] to record in binary the letters and symbols that make up those alphabets, many different encoding standards have been created.
Benefits of Company Away Days
Do you ever feel nervous before a company away day? Has your workload left you feeling guilty about taking time for socialising with your coworkers? If you agree with the above sentiments then we hope that we can convince you to not let this impact your decision to join in and embrace some time in a non-working environment with your colleagues…
Using OBS For Presentations
In my earlier post about using OBS for work I mentioned the possibility of using it when giving presentations via video conferencing. In this post I’ll go through some of the details of how to do that…
Using Machine Learning to Detect Fake News
For my final year University project, I was tasked with using Artificial Intelligence to solve a real-world problem. The misinformation I was seeing every day sprawled over social media about such things as the American election and, more recently, the Covid-19 pandemic, sprang to mind…
Working From Home With Kids
This past year many businesses have had to adapt both the way they work and their expectations of how their staff work from home while juggling caring for their kids…
Infantry Soldier turned Data Analyst
I joined the British Army in 2011 and I served over 8 years; going through 6 months of rigorous training to transform from being a civilian to a soldier.