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My Webinar Experience
Prior to the ongoing context of COVID-19, data and digital transformation was gradually taking effect. At the time a number of companies were dragging their feet on the implementation of digital transformation; some of these companies were just comfortable with the ‘status quo’ of using old legacy systems and applications which were frequently expensive to maintain…
Using Slack Effectively as a Remote Company
Since the start of the pandemic, Butterfly Data has transitioned from being a distributed company to being a remote company. There are a whole range of tools for remote working, but in this post I’ll specifically discuss how we try to use Slack effectively here at Butterfly Data…
Home working for dummies
For many of us we are now approaching the 2nd year of mandatory home working and while this offers many benefits to employees and employers alike, there are some pitfalls to avoid, as well as some good practices to consider, when it comes to working from your home…
The Affliction of the Data Analyst
Now, the question I want you to consider as you read this article is why do we do that if science and research basically says that 'sitting is the new smoking' and has been linked to obesity, heart disease, and cancer?
Using OBS For Presentations
In my earlier post about using OBS for work I mentioned the possibility of using it when giving presentations via video conferencing. In this post I’ll go through some of the details of how to do that…
Working From Home With Kids
This past year many businesses have had to adapt both the way they work and their expectations of how their staff work from home while juggling caring for their kids…
Enhancing Video Conferencing via OBS Studio
The rise and importance of video conferencing in business today cannot be underestimated. OBS is a superb (and free!) tool that can make you stand out in a crowd and enhance your presentations.