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When is Training not Training?
One of my pet peeves when working in the education sector was the attitude often taken to training. It would not be uncommon for someone to spend, what often appeared to be, a relaxed day away and then return declaring themselves to have been ‘trained’ on some important subject that was going to revolutionise learning…
It was announced in May 2022, 21 years after it was first introduced to the world, that the Apple iPod was being discontinued…
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Two areas of machine learning (ML) have undergone rapid advances over the last few years: Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Image Recognition…
How YouTube can help you gain more Tech skills
Sometimes as a data analyst or data consultant, I do get stuck on finding solutions to data management problems. It is important to note that within the data analytic or data management space, things tend to change rapidly based on the latest trends…
The Digital Sandbox
Butterfly Data are proud to have taken part in the Digital Sandbox Sustainability Cohort this year. Successful Companies, selected by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and City of London Corporation (COCL), were challenged to tackle problems in finance…
Shine’s Spotlight: ‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport
As someone who loves reading, I have decided to begin a blog series exploring some of the ideas from any books I have read related to data or our work at Butterfly Data.
The first book I am going to cover is called ‘Deep Work’ by Cal Newport, a guide to working effectively in an age of constant distractions…
Last month while exploring Madrid I visited El Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de España (MUNCYT) [National Museum of Science and Technology]. An exhibition on product development over the last 150 years caught my attention for a couple of reasons. The description read:
All objects we are using, at this very moment, are doomed to obsolescence…
Lupus Awareness
As May 10th is World Lupus Day we thought now would be a great opportunity to talk about Lupus and how it affects Ros, the wife of director Wayne…
Mental Health Awareness
Here at Butterfly Data we care for the mental wellbeing of our staff and to evidence our dedication to this, we have signed up to the Mental Health at Work Commitment (MHAWC)…
Where has the Time Gone?
Do you ever find yourself asking yourself at the end of the day “where has the time gone?!” With the ever-increasing plethora of modern technology available, much of which is designed to make our daily tasks quicker and easier, it would be simple to assume that life would be less hectic…