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Root Cause Analysis: The Art of Why?
You have probably heard of root cause analysis, and perhaps even been asked to do it, but what is it? It may sound like an invasive dental procedure but, far from pulling teeth, root cause analysis is an important part of working with data…
The Low Down on Low Code Solutions
Building an application from scratch has often been seen as a daunting task, a web of intricate code, functions, and dependencies traditionally best left to the programmers. These programmers are required to have an in-depth knowledge of their language of choice, as well as the peculiarities of development environments, deployment processes, and then their approach to testing…
Nested JSON via SAS
When you need to export data from your SAS system JSON proves to be an ideal format, given the superb inbuilt tools in SAS…
Data Analysis and Literature - Network Visualisation
Data and literature are two subjects which often are not considered to naturally accompany each other. But, as someone who has stakes in both camps, I would make the argument that the two complement each other in a way that truly brings out the best in both…
My Webinar Experience
Prior to the ongoing context of COVID-19, data and digital transformation was gradually taking effect. At the time a number of companies were dragging their feet on the implementation of digital transformation; some of these companies were just comfortable with the ‘status quo’ of using old legacy systems and applications which were frequently expensive to maintain…
Insight from an RAF Assessment Day
In November 2021 a fellow Butterfly colleague and I were given an opportunity to attend an RAF assessment day at the world's first air academy in the heart of Lincolnshire (RAF Cranwell). Several of the team at Butterfly Data are Army Reservists (18%), they bring exceptional skills to our workforce and implement them on a daily basis…
Guess Who? Netflix & Data Anonymisation
Data anonymisation is the process of protecting sensitive or private information by erasing or encrypting identifying information about an individual in data. Some of the data this can relate to might include names or locations. Subjective information such as…
Using Slack Effectively as a Remote Company
Since the start of the pandemic, Butterfly Data has transitioned from being a distributed company to being a remote company. There are a whole range of tools for remote working, but in this post I’ll specifically discuss how we try to use Slack effectively here at Butterfly Data…
International Women's Day
IWD has been celebrated on March the 8th every year since 1908, and we want to take this opportunity to raise awareness for women and the challenges or injustices we face everyday…
VS Code for Python Programming
Python is a very popular programming language used in a significant number of different applications. Python is usually shipped with "IDLE Python" on Windows but this interface can lack some handy tools…