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SAS Data Management Server integration
Admittedly, this is a niche interest article, but I hope it will be helpful to anyone who has the need to use data jobs within SAS Data Management Studio (DMStudio) and SAS Data Management Server (DMServer) or simply for those who are interested in learning a little more about both of these suites…
Every Cloud has a beneficial lining
A couple of months into my career at Butterfly Data, I was assigned with understanding how to deploy SAS Viya onto Microsoft Azure…
Home working for dummies
For many of us we are now approaching the 2nd year of mandatory home working and while this offers many benefits to employees and employers alike, there are some pitfalls to avoid, as well as some good practices to consider, when it comes to working from your home…
Getting to grips with SAS
In my second interview with Butterfly Data, I was asked about SAS. I thought it was one of those clever questions interviewers ask to throw off a candidate…
Using automation for daily business tasks
Automation in IT systems is, of course, nothing new. In recent years, however, more and more online services have been adding automation components…
How LinkedIn Learning Platform can help you gain more Tech skills
As an Army Veteran who is new to the IT industry, it is very important for me to know what kind of learning platform to use to upskill my tech skills. LinkedIn Learning was recommended to me…
Design Sprint: An Introduction
Earlier in the year, as part of the bid process for a project, some of my colleagues and I were introduced to the concept of the Design Sprint methodology…
Dynamically Creating Code with SAS
The ability to dynamically create code allows you to make incredibly flexible systems for processing data. For example, on a project Butterfly Data has worked on, we built a data quality system which checked the quality of 190+ data types, each of which had different formats.
Butterfly Data Automates Forecast Process from 5 Days to 2
The credit union consolidation rate has held steady at about 3.5% a year for the past 40 years. The most common merger scenario has larger entities acquiring small and midsize credit unions. Analysts are speculating that pressures on the biggest credit unions will force many to consider merger strategies in the months to come.