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The QR Code Comeback
The Quick Response, or QR code, was originally invented by car manufacturer Denso Wave in 1994 to track car parts as they were being built on Japanese assembly lines. The chief engineer Hara Masahiro drew his inspiration for the codes from his passion for board gaming..
Shine's Spotlight: ‘The Signal and the Noise’ by Nate Silver
One of our directors, Sara, recommended I read this book a long while ago, so I gave it a read for my next blog post. Nate Silver has a background in statistics and making predictions…
The Importance of Being Earnest (in socialising with colleagues)
The value of connection and communication within the workplace cannot be overstated, and an emphasis has been placed on this over the past few years, especially during the times of lockdowns and isolation…
Limited Instruction Set
One of the first ever programming environments I used was a scripting language inbuilt into my Texas Instruments TI-83 calculator, which I needed for my Maths A-level…
Cyber Security Awareness for Business Sustainability
According to the National Cyber Security Centre (https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/), Cyber Security is the methodology by which individuals and organisations reduce the malicious risk of cyber-attack…
Big Government Data Strategy - No more Chief Data Ostrich!
Governments around the world are going digital. Considering this, the OECD published a ranking table which rated the UK as 2nd best worldwide…
SAS & CAS: Many Hands Make Light Work
SAS Cloud Analytic Services (CAS) is a server that provides a cloud-based, run-time environment for data management and analytics with SAS. It allows data management and analytics to take place on either a single machine or as a distributed server across multiple machines…
World Well-Being Week
This was the 4th year running for the World Wellbeing Week (WWW), which is held annually in the last week of June. The need for WWW came to light throughout the pandemic…
GIT - What is it?
I recently had the opportunity to learn Git and, through that, to support developers by managing iterative updates to source code for continuous integration and continuous deployment…
The Art of the Domain Name
The art of picking a good domain name is an essential skill. Being able to get it right the first time, while understanding the common tricks and skills, will not only drive traffic up but will also help tremendously in being able to guide your users to where you want them to go…